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A solution to the problem of incomplete download of the game pubg mobile on the mobile

A solution to the problem of incomplete download of the game pubg mobile on the mobile

A solution to the problem of incomplete download of the game pubg mobile on the mobile

A solution to the problem of not loading the game pubg mobile on the mobile

Find the solution to the problem of not completing the download of the game of pubg mobile on the mobile, this game is known by many names, including Bobji or Bbji or pubg and users of this game on the Internet, it was issued in 2017 and is still going on so far.

But what distinguishes this game from other players addiction to a large, and supports many mobile devices and can reach to more than 500 phones working on Android systems.

The game gives us a lot of points, we look for places where we can play, choose and change a lot of the weapons we want to play during the challenge.

We will provide you through the site "YOUR APPS " to find a solution to the problem of not completing the download of the game of pubg mobile on the mobile, and another way to resolve the problem of not completing the loading of the game pubg on the store play.

We can find this game available on Windows and Xbox-based devices. It was developed by Tenet Cent in collaboration with Bluhall. Two versions were released in 2018 for eos and Android to be downloaded to mobile devices. It contains the old version, and this developed version contains Arabic and English.

A solution to the problem of incomplete download of the game pubg mobile on the mobile

The cost of this game is only $ 30, but the mobile version is free. You can now download the pubg game on your PC in a free way by using the TenCent gaming buddy for the pubg game, developed from TinyCent.

Solution for the problem of not completing the download of the game pubg mobile on mobile

Many users of Android devices can not overcome the problem of not completing the download of the pubg mobile game on the google play store, often because of poor internet connection and its weak speed or distance from the router or the Internet is interrupted during download.

In order to be able to face this problem has been found solution to the problem of not completing the download of the game of pubg mobile on the mobile is that it must be downloaded in apk format from external sources apkmirror site and then we install the game, and automatically download the game files without interruption in the download.

Another way to solve the problem of not loading the pubg game on google play store

We have previously mentioned that the reason for not loading pubg is the weak internet speed so we will make the internet connection to the dns server and we will show the steps we do to connect to the server:

We will download the tool that downloads the dns server which changes the settings for the mobile phone.

After downloading the tool on the phone we can use the application, but must add the address dns1 and dns2 "" and "

After doing all these steps above we click start

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